Pegasus Occupational Health Service

Thank you for visiting the Occupational Health Service registration page.

We have partnered with OccHealthNow Limited to use their Healthyshoots OH Portal to support our clients. OccHealthNow are a leading OH organisation and have worked together as a team for more than 30 years.

Generally organisations have OH needs around the following issues;

  • They have absent employees and either need an OH report to help get the employee back to work as safely and quickly as possible or they have been advised to obtain an OH report by the Employment Lawyers or HR Advisors.
  • They have an obligation to conduct OH Risk Assessments on their employees such as hearing, lung function, skin surveillance, HAVS etc due to HSE regulations.
  • They need access to OH Questionnaires such as New Starter Health*, DSE, Night Worker, Maternity and Stress Intervention etc.

And finally, they might just have a general question about OH and don't know where to turn!

OccHealthNow is a specialist OH provider;

a) There are no monthly retainers

b) There is no contract that holds clients to any long term obligations

c) Very easy to work with and the portal is both easy to use and secure

d) Will always look for the most appropriate solution, to achieve the best outcome at the best price

e) Supported by outstanding practitioners who are always looking to help

If you would like to register for a discussion about OH and how OccHealthNow might be able to help your business or try the Healthyshoots Portal for FREE and with no obligation to you then please complete the following sign-up form.

Sign up
Our Policy

*Contact Telephone number should not have any spaces in it.

Once you have registered you will receive an email from to arrange a telephone call. If you don't, please check your spam/junk folders and then email

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