Terms and Conditions

Important: Please read the full terms and conditions outlined on this page. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all the following terms, please do not access the site or request the use of our products.

Terms of use and conditions

These terms and conditions govern the sale and use of products sold and services provided by us (OccHealthNow Ltd t/a Healthyshoots) to you, and also govern the use of the site www.healthyshoots.com. For the purposes of this agreement, “Site” refers to the Company’s website, which can be accessed at www.healthyshoots.com, “Service” refers to the Company’s services accessed via the Site, in which users can review our services and purchase services for the benefit of themselves and their employee’s. The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the Company. “You” refers to you, as a user of our Site or our Service. OccHealthNow Ltd (registered company in the UK number 13688870) is the owner of this site. By using the site and our products you agree to be legally bound by these terms, which shall take effect immediately upon your first use of the site.

Privacy Policy
The Company respects the privacy of its Service users. Please refer to the Company’s Privacy Policy which explains how we collect, use, share and disclose information that pertains to your privacy. When you access or use the Service, you signify your agreement with the Privacy Policy as well as these Terms of Use.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Using Our Site, you may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, transmit, and make available to the public or otherwise, OccHealthNow Ltd t/a Healthyshoots content in any way except for approved use. Any use of the site content other than for approved use requires prior written permission from us.


If you are unhappy with our product or services for any reasonable reason, then we will consider your grievance and where appropriate refund at our discretion. The final decision on whether a refund is granted will rest solely with OccHealthNow Ltd t/a Healthyshoots.

Use restrictions
Your permission to use the Site is conditioned upon the following use, posting and conduct restrictions: You agree that you will not under any circumstance:

· access the site for any reason other than on behalf of yourself or a company you represent

· collect or harvest any personal data of any user of the site

· use the site for the solicitation of business in the course of trade or in connection with a commercial enterprise unless agreed by us in writing

· distribute any part or parts of the site without our explicit written permission

· use the site for any unlawful purpose or for the promotion of illegal activities

· attempt to, or harass, abuse or harm another person or group

· intentionally allow another user to access your account

· provide false or inaccurate information when registering an account

· interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of the site

· make any automated use of the site or the related systems, or take any action that we deem to impose or to potentially impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our servers or network infrastructure

· bypass any robot exclusion headers or other measures we take to restrict access to the site, or use any software, technology, or device to scrape, spider, or crawl the site or harvest or manipulate data

· circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with any security-related features of the site or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of content, or enforce limitations on use of the site or the content accessible via the site

· publish or link to malicious content of any sort, including that intended to damage or disrupt another user’s browser or computer

Third Parties

We may provide links and/or contact information to other websites, service providers and professionals. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, advice, products, and content of any of these external websites or any third parties.

Third Party Service Providers

Third-party providers are beneficiaries, partners or service providers who offer services as part of our products who will have their own terms and conditions under their agreement(s). You agree to comply with all applicable third-party provider terms. Those terms may be supplied to you within the service we provide or directly by the third-party provider. We are from time to time required to provide our client contact details to our third-party providers to the extent that they need such details to enable them to execute their contractual responsibilities.

It is your responsibility to obtain all prior approval from us or the third party for control and redistribution of third-party provider data, software, or services. If a third-party provider ceases to make its service available to us or requires OccHealthNow Ltd t/a Healthyshoots suspend or terminate the provision of all or any part of its services to you, or if OccHealthNow Ltd t/a Healthyshoots terminates its arrangements with the third-party provider, then we may suspend or terminate that part of its data or services immediately without notice or further obligation to you. We of course will endeavour to restore normal service in a timely manner and under these circumstances’ payments will be immediately suspended until an equivalent service resume.

Except where you have entered into a relevant written agreement directly with a third-party provider, you have no contract with any third-party provider in respect of the supply or use of any third-party data or services. Third-party providers do not owe you any duty of care with respect to its data or services, nor do they accept any responsibility for them. If an implied contract or duty should be held to exist, OccHealthNow Ltd t/a Healthyshoots, as agent for each third-party licensor and solely for the purpose of the following exclusion, disclaims all liability of each third-party licensor for any of your losses which may arise under that implied contract or duty.

Third-party providers do not warrant that the provision of their data, software or services will be uninterrupted, error free, timely, complete, or accurate, nor do any of them make any warranties as to the results to be obtained from use of the same. You acknowledge that third-party data, software, or services do not constitute a recommendation of any kind and is provided for informational purposes only. You expressly agree that your use of third-party data, software, or services is at your own risk. Accordingly, the third-party providers will not in any way be liable to you or any other entity for any inaccuracies, errors, omissions, delays, damages, claims, liabilities, or losses, regardless of cause, in or arising from the use of the third-party data contained in OccHealthNow Ltd t/a Healthyshoots.

Limitation of Liability & Disclaimer

The use of the site including functions and content, in addition to use of any of our products is provided ‘as is’ and on an ‘is available’ basis without any representations or any kind of warranty given or implied (whether express or implied by law) that they will be suitable for your purposes and requirements. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any damage or losses resulting from the use of our site and/or our products including, without limitation, economic loss or any special, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage, (whether such losses where foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise). Whilst we do our best to ensure everything is accurate and error free, we do not guarantee or represent that the content and/or functions of the site will always be accurate, complete or current or that access to the site will be uninterrupted or error free.


These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. If you breach these conditions and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these conditions. Although we have no intention of amending these terms, we may need to as business requirements, laws and regulations require. When this happens, we will do so by posting changes online so please review these terms regularly to ensure you are aware of Our terms of use.

Last updated: 11/2022

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