Who are we?

OccHealthNow Limited and Healthyshoots (the name of our market leading OH questionnaire system) are the team who founded and built Prevent plc (established in 2003).

Prevent plc was the largest provider of on-site health screening in the UK and was sold to Health Shield in 2017. By the time Prevent plc was sold we had screened at virtually every Police Force in the country and screened NHS staff on behalf of the NHS at Medway NHS Trust.

The team also developed iHealthsystem which was the original Online OH Questionnaire System used by Health Assured and was also sold to Health Shield in 2017. iHealthsystem produced Wellbeing programmes used by Royal Mail for all their staff via their OH provider Atos Healthcare.

Our Occupational Health Practitioners

We have worked with some of our practitioner team since 2003 and over the 25 years that we have been in the industry, developed a network around us of some of the most experienced practitioners in the country.

Our strength has to been to build a network that are specialists in their own area's. Therefore, when an employee has a musculoskeletal injury they are seen by an OH Physiotherapist, when they have an absence problem they will be reviewed by one of the top absence experts in the UK who has supported GMB Union all the way to tribunal.

With 90% of all employee absence now relating to mental health we have established a releationship with a provider that specialises in mental health.


We are extremely fortunate to be supported by an IT team that have also worked with us for 20 years and completely understand our business and business model.

Having such a high quality IT team with an in depth knowledge of the business enables us to develop products that meets our clients needs at a much faster speed than a traditional organisation.

The Way We Do Business

We have developed OccHealthNow Limited and the Healthyshoots Online Questionnaire System based on years of experience and technical ability.

However, we have learnt that no occupational health provider can be an expert in every OH issue and we have developed a network of partners that we can recommend when appropriate.

Having a 'customer must get the best solution or service' attitude without any bias towards recommending our own services, has gained us an outstanding reputation in the industry for providing excellent advice.

To try the service please contact info@occhealthnow.co.uk

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